Services for Suspension:
Note: the suspension services are only for suspended/deactivated seller accounts — this includes accounts that are at-risk of suspension.
Scroll down to the Rule Violation portion of this page if you have a listing or policy notification to attend to but your seller account is active.

Suspension Service: Infringement Claim
- You got a claim of trademark infringement from a company or owner of rights.
- A trademark rights owner filed a claim against you for copyright violation.
- A brand or rights owner filed a claim against you for patent infringement.
- A brand or owner of the rights sent you a fake claim.
- Amazon sent you a notice with a trademark, copyright, and patent number along with a complaint ID.

Suspension Service: Authenticity Concerns
- Amazon notified you that they needed invoices for ASINs that you had listed and/or sold.
- Customers complained to you about the fake or inauthentic goods you were selling.
- NOTE: choose this option if your case is dealing with authenticity concerns, but no brand/rights owner filed a claim against you or your ASINs.
- falsified or altered records.

Suspension Service: Policy Violation
- Item quality complaints
- Item quality complaints
- Safety issues
- falsification of reviews, rankings, or sales
- submitting incorrect or excessive FBA reimbursement claims
- Violation of Amazon’s drop-shipping policy
- Violations of Amazon’s Seller Code of Conduct
- The Amazon Marketplace Fair Pricing Policy Violation

Suspension Service: Performance Suspension
- The 2.5% goal for your order cancellation rate (CR) was surpassed.
- Your order defect rate (ODR) was higher than the 1% goal.
- Your LSR (late shipment rate) was higher than the 4% goal.
- Your valid tracking rate (VTR) fell below the target 95%
- Your on-time delivery rate (OTDR) fell below the target of 97% (only applies to seller-fulfilled orders)

Suspension Service: Confirmation with the Seller

Suspension Service: Linked Accounts
- You were suspended because you were connected to an account that you do not recognize (never operated) or that is prohibited from selling on Amazon.
- You were connected to the seller account of a friend, family member, coworker, or relative.
- You were connected to another account that you run or own.
- You no longer possess the associated account since you sold your account privileges to another vendor.
- You were connected to one or more of your Amazon seller accounts that you never finished verifying.
- What other factors would have connected you to an account that is prohibited from selling on Amazon?

Appeal services for listing deactivation or policy violations:
(Note: Only vendors with active selling accounts are eligible for these services. See our suspension services above if your account has been suspended or is in danger of being suspended.

Service Violation: Infringement Allegation
- A brand or owner of rights filed a claim against you for trademark violation.
- A trademark rights owner filed a claim against you for copyright violation.
- A brand or rights owner filed a claim against you for patent infringement.
- A brand or owner of the rights sent you a fake claim.
- You received a notice from Amazon that contains a complaint ID and a trademark/copyright/patent number

Violation Service: Issues with Authenticity
- Amazon notified you that they needed invoices for ASINs that you had listed and/or sold.
- Customers complained to you about the fake or inauthentic goods you were selling.
- NOTE: Select this option if there are authenticity issues in your case but no brand or rights owner has made a claim against you or your ASIN

Violation Service: Complaints about Quality